Friday, June 21, 2019

How To Use Social Media For Educators

By Patricia Gray

Chances are that you are computer literate and you already use social media for your day to day life. The good thing is that these platforms can be responsibly used in the classroom. You can use this tool to help your students in their academic lives. There are several ways to use social media for educators.

You can get your learners to follow someone online. This is on the different platforms that are available. Tell them to choose one platform online and follow one person on that platform. This means keeping up with their posts on a regular basis. They can then write a response paper on the various posts that the person has made. The main aim of this is that the students will learn the major vocabularies that are used online.

Get the children to start blogging. It doesn't have to be a live blog. It can be a restricted blog that only the students can see. This includes using passwords to protect the blog from the public. Get the kids to post on a regular basis. This can be about what is going on at school or they can post their assignments. Then instruct them to comment on other student's blogs.

Online platforms are great tools for socialization. For instance, you can connect with students from other parts of the world. You can synchronize your classes, so as to have discussions about matters of interest together. Not only will this be exciting for the kids, but it will create awareness about other people and cultures in the world.

Another great idea is for you to create an online group that parents, learners and even the school administrator can join. Use the platform to send students assignments. Students should also be allowed to post various things, such as any questions they have or useful information they want to share with others. Just make sure to monitor the group closely, so that people do not post irrelevant information.

There are so many groups for professionals online. Join these groups and get to interact with your fellow teachers. Ask any questions that you want, take advantage of any shared resources and also feel free to share your ideas too. This can help you grow in your profession.

Challenge your students by asking them to create pictorial boards of different things. They can create the boards online and save them. Let them post brief descriptions under each photo, describing what each photo is about. Make this relevant by letting them post about a particular topic that you will be teaching.

Just remember that you need to put some rules in place. This is to protect the children from any risks and to ensure that they are responsible when online and that they also learn to manage their time well. Moreover, instead of using real platforms, consider using clones of the sites, so that anything the children post is not posted publicly.

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