Friday, November 2, 2018

Long Island SEO: The Biggest Misconceptions Regarding Online Reviews

By Arthur Williams

Any Long Island SEO expert will tell you that digital media is a big part of entrepreneurship today. If your goal is to operate a business, it's important to understand that anyone can have a voice. This brings us to the topic of online reviews, which are commonplace these days. Negative reviews tend to drive more attention and to say that they can be damaging would be an understatement. Your information about them may not be entirely accurate, so here are a few mistruths to be more mindful of.

"Negative reviews are largely untrue." While there may be some reviews that are untrue, others may have legitimate criticisms. Whether it's in regard to the quality of your services, disorganization, or what have you, these reviews can be helpful in making your company better. It's easy to regard these as personal attacks, but this shouldn't be the case. If anything, they can help your Long Island SEO efforts and business in general become more robust.

"A negative review won't impact my website." You may think that a single negative review won't hurt your website, which isn't exactly true. According to companies like fishbat, there is a greater focus on user content than ever before from an SEO standpoint. What this means is that positive content should be prevalent. Furthermore, a single review can spur others from different people, which can have an even more severe Long Island SEO impact.

"Once a negative review is up, it's there forever." This is perhaps the biggest mistruth about negative online reviews, as the majority of people believe that they're permanent. Keep in mind that websites are unique in regard to their posting guidelines, meaning that it's entirely possible to have them removed if there's a legitimate case to be made. You can also speak to the original poster directly. Just because someone posted a negative review doesn't mean that it has to follow your business forever. In fact, addressing the situation sooner will greatly benefit your online reputation.

"It's tough to prevent negative reviews." This isn't as difficult of a feat as you might think. First, implement quality control so that you know that your products are being distributed as required. Second, address all customer complaints as speedily and effectively as possible. Third, provide solutions to widespread issues that most, if not all, buyers experience. Actions such as these help keep negative reviews at bay.

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