Saturday, June 8, 2013

Who Holds The Key To Your Online Business Success?

By Russell Howe

If you are thinking about joining a business like Empower Network, you could be forgiven for assuming who you choose as your sponsor will determine your eventual success. In today's review, you'll discover why your sponsor actually plays a minimal role in your overall journey to success.

By looking at any search engine or video network, you'll find thousands of existing affiliates posting reviews and information which are little more than sales pitches in disguise.

Indeed, they will compete to secure your signature as part of their team. As an affiliate marketer you naturally want to ensure that any potential clients choose you over your rivals, therefore you'll see many people saying some ridiculous things in a bid to get noticed.

It is not uncommon to hear people promising an easy ride to those who join their team. They'll often make it seem like they are posting a negative review of a program, saying that members don't receive any help and most of them don't succeed. Then, of course, they'll finish their review by offering a simple solution such as joining their system and having all of the hard work done for you. This is a common trend among entrepreneurs.

So the truth is it doesn't really matter who you work with as a sponsor or which team you ultimately choose to join. Frankly, the work which is required to become your own boss is quite substantial and you'll need to be very serious if you intend to make it beyond the first few hurdles which lie in your way. Most people are not serious enough, which is why the online failure statistics are so high. Your sponsor does not matter here.

There are countless people in the world of affiliate marketing who have potentially excellent sponsors yet, for some reason, they fail to make any money online at all. That's usually because the individual is unprepared to help themselves and neglects to put in the work on their own business. On the other hand, there are countless potentially great entrepreneurs who were sucked in by misleading sponsors claiming instant results, only to get no contact from them beyond the point of payment.

Should you hold the drive and determination required to achieve full-time self employed status via the internet, you will be one of a rare breed. It really doesn't matter which affiliate program you work with, nor does it matter which sponsor or team you register underneath. If you are ever going to succeed, the hard work is going to have to come from you. []

When it comes to opportunities like Empower Network and other popular affiliate programs, there are so many affiliates competing for your signature that the facts can get a little bit lost in all of the hype. Keep your feet on the ground and you'll notice that the person who holds the keys to your future success is you.

About the Author:


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